Our Bathroom Reading List

There’s one IDEO tradition you’ll only get to witness if you stop by our San Francisco office with a full bladder. Every few weeks, a new question goes up on the bathroom wall. IDEOers pop into the loo throughout the day, spend a few moments minding their own business, so to speak, and the wall fills up with answers.
Sometimes the questions are serious (“How might we better design for equity—inclusion, diversity, ageism, access, technology, etc—for all?) and sometimes they’re playful (“What’s your favorite restaurant in the Bay Area?”). But no matter what type of question goes up, the responses are always intriguing.

Our latest bathroom installation asked: “What book are you currently reading?” I’m always on the hunt for a good read, so I couldn’t be happier with the bonanza of recommendations. Dig in:

4321 ◆ A Fine Balance ◆ A Man Named Ove ◆ A Manual for Cleaning Women ◆ Amazon Beaming ◆ Americanah ◆ Barbarian Days ◆ Being Mortal ◆ Beyond the 100th Meridian ◆ Big Magic ◆ Borne ◆ Brida ◆ Celine ◆ Commonwealth ◆ Como Agua Para Chocolate ◆ Danny the Champion of the World ◆ Dark Forest ◆ Devil in the White City ◆ Dolly - My Life and Other Unfinished Projects ◆ Dreamblood Duology ◆ East of Eden ◆ Essentialism ◆ Exit West ◆ Facebook ◆ Faith of the Fallen ◆ Far from the Tree

Gut ◆ Heat ◆ Homo Deus ◆ Life Over Cancer ◆ Lovie ◆ M Train ◆ Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ◆ Moon Tiger ◆ Mustache Shenanigans ◆ My Life on the Road ◆ My Year of Meats ◆ Neuromancer ◆ On Booze ◆ Origin of the Species ◆ Other Minds ◆ Pachinko ◆ Reality is Broken ◆ Sapiens ◆ Shoe Dog ◆ Stealing Fire ◆ Stories of Life and Others ◆ The ABCs of Real Estate Investing ◆ The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay ◆ The Circle ◆ The Collapse of American Criminal Justice ◆ The Drowned World

The Ethical Slut ◆ The Gene ◆ The God of Small Things ◆ The Gunslinger ◆ The Harry Potter Series ◆ The Incal ◆ The Interestings ◆ The Labyrinth of Spirits ◆ The Language of Food ◆ The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck ◆ The Lightbringer Series ◆ The Name of the Wind ◆ The Orphan Master’s Son ◆ The Quran ◆ The Sellout ◆ The Sixth Extinction ◆ The Sympathizer ◆ The Travels of Ibn Battutah ◆ The Unbanking of America ◆ The Unseen City ◆ The Vegetarian ◆ The Violet Hour ◆ Third Plate ◆ Topics in Calamity Physics ◆ Trials of Apollo II ◆ Yes, Please
What have you read (or listened to) on the list? And what are you curious to read? Tag your response on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook with #bathroomread.
Visuals by Jane Ha.

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