Creative New Year's Resolutions

After the ball drops and the champagne is gone, we have 365 days ahead of us to be more creative people, with new and better habits, mindsets, and skills. Seeking inspiration? Here are some of IDEO designers’ resolutions for 2017.
I have three. Instead of writing in a journal, I want to summarize each day in a creative drawing. I also plan to listen to more podcasts. And, whenever someone asks me, "How are you?", I will try to never to say "good," and instead use a more descriptive adjective.
—Katie Kirsch
I really want to work on being in the moment—which means putting down the phone, and being delighted by who and what is around me.
—Amy Bonsall
My creative resolution: Write, draw, or create more physical letters and postcards for friends and family (at least one per month!). And use more of the Airpost service that we helped design out of IDEO Tokyo!
—Mike Peng
I have two. One, to be more aware of what contexts and situations work in favor of my creativity. And two, to inspire others around me to be creative.
—Michaël Harboun
I plan to sew a new outfit and wear it, turn my photos into different series and make a portfolio website, and to read a Poem-A-Day.
—Rebecca Lee
I'm going to try to dedicate the first hour after waking up exclusively to creative pursuits, rather than looking at email, social media, or cat videos. This will require getting up early every day, so fingers crossed.
—Neil Stevenson

My resolution is inspired by Julia Cameron's morning pages. But since my practice is choreographic (I'm a dancer/choreographer outside of IDEO), I'm resolving to create a movement phrase everyday. I’m not sure yet what the dance equivalent to three pages of writing is, but I'll figure it out.
—Eileen Farrell
Slackline (or highline in this case) is both a new habit and skill. I find that balancing on a line is a powerful way of coming to terms with fear and a kind of forced meditation, counterintuitively creating fear and calm at the same time.
—Jonah Houston
I want to learn to lathe wooden baseball bats. I'm looking to make an art piece to show in a gallery.
—Samuel Bertain
I plan to find a living space that inspires me to do good work; to sign up for a class so I can make arts around other people and osmose creative energy (and hopefully give back too?); and to be more intentional about my passwords (I don't have a method to my madness, it's just madness).
—Momo Miyazaki
I am pushing my modern calligraphy for 2017. I did a class this year and for Christmas have ordered books and more pens. I am hoping to also try out brush lettering. I follow Seb Lester on Instagram and he makes it look so easy... even though it’s not.
—Bobbie Brightman
I will download and use the Headspace app.
—John Ravitch

I want to channel Charlie Rose and learn how to host better video interviews on Creative Confidence. I also want to rock climb more.
—Suzanne Howard
In 2016, I did the 100 day project, which got me going on weaving and watercoloring. In 2017, I want to create my first large-scale tapestry. Who knows if it'll happen... we'll see!
—Emma Scripps
I want to to start writing again. I used to write a lot, both for fun and as a freelance advice columnist, but have gotten away from it in recent years. Doesn't matter to me if this manifests in jokes, stories, reflections, whatever—so long as pen meets paper and my brain is flexed regularly.
—Adam Moulter
I want to do at least one thing each week to celebrate the ubiquitous creativity in New York City. It can be a concert, a class, or just a walk around a new neighborhood to explore the graffiti and architecture. I moved here a year ago and have so much more to explore!
—Shauna Carey
I want to say "I don't know" more, so I learn something.
—David Good
Illustrations by Matt Avallone.

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