I'm named on 55 granted patents

Dennis Boyle
Partner Emeritus and Founding Team Member, Global
i Joined IDEO in
What you won’t learn from my bio
I like outdoor sports and have a long history of running, biking, sailing, swimming, hiking, and skiing with family and friends. I was a collegiate track and cross-country athlete at the University of Notre Dame. I am married to Peggy Burke, founder of 1185 Design, and I have two sons, one a physician in the US Navy, the other a Silicon Valley product design engineer at an educational technology startup.
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Over the course of my 45-year IDEO career, which originally started by meeting David Kelley at Stanford in the mid-1970s,I have worked as a design engineer, a project leader, a business relationship leader, a studio leader, and a practice leader. I have helped us build and nurture many key long-term client relationships, including Silicon Valley tech firms, Fortune 100 consumer businesses, and health-care companies of all sizes. I have been leading or guiding the “Design for Health” side of IDEO’s business for more than 20 years. I have also been named on 55 granted patents.

I am an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, known as the d.school, where I have taught at least one course each year for the past 45 years. I have led courses on product design, engineering design, and human factors design, as well as design for sustainability, and creativity and innovation. I currently teach the “Design for Healthy Behaviors” course with Dr. Nancy Cuan, M.D. and IDEOer YC Sun

I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on Industrial Design from the University of Notre Dame and an MS in Product Design from Stanford.

Some of my work

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