Problems from new perspectives

Steve Schwall
Partner & Managing Director, Chicago
i Joined IDEO in
What you won’t learn from my bio
My love of learning has resulted in all sorts of random skills, including an ability to whistle in nine ways.
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I work with creative leaders and executives to design new offerings, drive business growth, and transform their culture through the power of design. After almost two decades of working with clients like Ford, Samsung, and Walgreens, I believe that successful change doesn't come from a “big idea,” but rather teams looking at problems from new perspectives, challenging deeply held assumptions, and working together in new ways.

An engineer and designer at heart, I am passionate about designing tangible solutions that address critical challenges and change how people work, but my happiest times at IDEO are when I’m building a prototype in our shop.

Prior to joining IDEO, I played with little red wagons as a product design engineer at Radio Flyer. I hold a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a B.A. in Industrial Design from the University of Notre Dame.

Some of my work

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